Author Archives: Hanil Kathuria

CCAvenue Payment Gateway Integraton in Website using Java

CCAvenue Payment Gateway Integration in Website using Java

Introduction Today, many business owners have understood the importance of doing business over the web. They have realized the benefits of having an online presence. And, that is the reason why ‘E-commerce, Brick and Click’ kind of businesses are growing exponentially. People, today, are paying developers more than ever to have a website or mobile Continue Reading »

OpenID connect Authentication with OAuth2 Authorization

OpenID connect Authentication with OAuth2.0 Authorization

In the previous decade, Open Authorization (OAuth) has emerged as an industry-standard protocol for authorization. Today, almost, every web application, mobile application uses OAuth 2.0(latest version of OAuth) for Authorization. According to Wikipedia, OAuth 2.0 is an open standard for delegated Authorization. It’s usually used as a method for Internet users to get their websites Continue Reading »